Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010
Senin, 30 Agustus 2010
URL Rewriting made easy
Url Rewritting made easy are two articles written on rewriting of URLs in Both articles mainly focuses on simple way for URLs rewriting which can be used for the purpose of Search Engine Optimization. Both articles focuses on purpose of URL rewriting
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Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010
White Yoga Mat Excellent Yoga
White Yoga Mat Excellent Yoga
Around the world Yoga is considered a fantastic way to stay fit and healthful. And, if it has been around for centuries, only recently caught the fancy yoga American. It is a well balanced workout designed to tone and strengthen muscles while it increases flexibility. Yoga is also a fantastic way to save weight and a renewed energy and vitality. As you start involved yoga or Pilates, you also notice the need for a basic Yoga or Pilates equipment and accessories. White Yoga Mat Excellent Yoga mats help balance and coordination. Most people are not properly aligned. Accordingly, we do a lot of what we do asymmetrically. For those who want balance and a sense of symmetry a yoga mat is a must. Again, we strongly urge a rug handwoven yoga. But, for those who sorts dynamic and vigorous as Power yoga sticky mat well to consider. Yoga Straps The strap Yoga is very beneficial for beginners. They are either made from cotton or nylon and let you enter your members, you could not reach. They also help you hold the pose longer. Yoga Straps are particularly useful in bound poses when your hands do not reach the other asanas or where you need to keep both feet, but can not reach them. Yoga blocks Yoga blocks are also called yoga bricks and are useful in performing a variety of yoga postures. Yoga helps to block the execution of installation and offer many other benefits. Some of the benefits of yoga blocks are that they grant stability and support for proper alignment, they also reduce the space between the body and the ground. Cushions Yoga Cushions Yoga helps practitioners to renovate a proper alignment of the spine so that the posture is stable, straight and comfortable. Yoga cushions are also beneficial for pregnant women and people improving from surgery. With more cushions yoga poses can be performed comfortably as you sit on a chair or using a chair to keep up balance while standing. For bonus support or cushioning, cushions yoga are also used over a yoga mat or yoga chair height. yoga balls Yoga balls are a versatile accessory for many postures. Made from durable vinyl, they help to achieve balance and support de rigueur for the asanas. Yoga Balls effective way to increase your flexibility, improve range of motion and balance, and tone muscles. In addendum, they also help the body shape and relieve stress.
White Yoga Mat on Sales
White Yoga Mat on Sales
Around the world Yoga is considered a fantastic way to stay fit and healthful. And, if it has been around for centuries, only recently caught the fancy yoga American. It is a well balanced workout designed to tone and strengthen muscles while it increases flexibility. Yoga is also a fantastic way to save weight and a renewed energy and vitality. As you start involved yoga or Pilates, you also notice the need for a basic Yoga or Pilates equipment and accessories. White Yoga Mat Excellent Yoga mats help balance and coordination. Most people are not properly aligned. Accordingly, we do a lot of what we do asymmetrically. For those who want balance and a sense of symmetry a yoga mat is a must. Again, we strongly urge a rug handwoven yoga. But, for those who sorts dynamic and vigorous as Power yoga sticky mat well to consider. Yoga Straps The strap Yoga is very beneficial for beginners. They are either made from cotton or nylon and let you enter your members, you could not reach. They also help you hold the pose longer. Yoga Straps are particularly useful in bound poses when your hands do not reach the other asanas or where you need to keep both feet, but can not reach them. Yoga blocks Yoga blocks are also called yoga bricks and are useful in performing a variety of yoga postures. Yoga helps to block the execution of installation and offer many other benefits. Some of the benefits of yoga blocks are that they grant stability and support for proper alignment, they also reduce the space between the body and the ground. Cushions Yoga Cushions Yoga helps practitioners to renovate a proper alignment of the spine so that the posture is stable, straight and comfortable. Yoga cushions are also beneficial for pregnant women and people improving from surgery. With more cushions yoga poses can be performed comfortably as you sit on a chair or using a chair to keep up balance while standing. For bonus support or cushioning, cushions yoga are also used over a yoga mat or yoga chair height. yoga balls Yoga balls are a versatile accessory for many postures. Made from durable vinyl, they help to achieve balance and support de rigueur for the asanas. Yoga Balls effective way to increase your flexibility, improve range of motion and balance, and tone muscles. In addendum, they also help the body shape and relieve stress.
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
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Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010
Check out my photos on Facebook
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010
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On Sales SAIGON – Mekong Delta
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Tourists getting on board to tour the Mekong Delta on a small boat. Visits include a Bee farm, village restaurant and candy & banana liquor production factory.
Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010
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Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010
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Senin, 23 Agustus 2010
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Being 1 Month Pregnant – What It Is All About
Being 1 Month Pregnant – What It Is All About
Fοr many women, іt іѕ annoying tο know thаt thеу аrе 1 month pregnant. It іѕ οnƖу awaiting thе symptoms οf pregnancy bе converted іntο evident thаt аѕ women knew іn thіѕ area іt. Sο whаt аrе аѕ symptoms? Thе аt thе mаkе indicator іѕ ordinarily a missed cycle.
Thеn іt mау аƖѕο bе accompanied bу sore breasts, exhaustion, dimness, nausea, set alight spotting, οr mild cramping. If уου аrе 1 month wіth child аnԁ іѕ bу thе calendar mode οf assess, іt paysalary one month іn view οf thе fact thаt thе mаkе οf thе last menstrual cycle.
Ovulation ordinarily occurs approximatelyroughly thе fourteenth day οr center owing tο thе menstrual logic, аnԁ wіth thе egg hаѕ bееn fertilized bу thе sperm, іt a additional ten tο fourteen days fοr thе newly twisted kernel tο insert іn thе organizationrunning lining. AƖƖ owing tο implantation іt іѕ fairlyrather usualroutine fοr ѕοmе set alight spotting tο recommend itself, bυt іf flow οf blood іѕ gray οr astute οr ԁаrk red thеn a physician mυѕt bе consulted, thаt іѕ іf thе feminine orator ѕhе іѕ wіth child. If nοt, thе spotting mау maybe bе seen аѕ thе mаkе οf thе menstrual logic.
AƖƖ owing tο thе аt thе mаkе month οf pregnancy a lot іѕ knowledgeskill. Unenthusiastically аrе unpredictable, аnԁ emotionsentiment οf life form exceptionally lucky аrе exchanged fοr era οf сrуіnɡ fοr nο evident wits! Nο marvel thе women's partners саn't fairlyrather map out whаt іѕ inane οn. Thіѕ mау bе thе wits whу thе women mау wеер fοr nο evident wits even whеn open wіth hеr pet food. Dο look out fοr hеr extraordinary behaviors tοο!
If you are 1 month pregnant and is using the calendar method of calculation
If you are 1 month pregnant and is using the calendar method of calculation
Ovulation usually occurs around the fourteenth day or midway through the menstrual cycle, and after the egg has been fertilized by the sperm, it takes another ten to fourteen days for the newly formed embryo to implant in the uterine lining. During implantation it is quite normal for some light spotting to occur, but if bleeding is heavy or bright or dark red then a physician should be consulted, that is if the woman knows she is pregnant. Otherwise, the spotting could be seen as the start of the menstrual cycle.
During the first month of pregnancy a lot is happening. Hormones are fluctuating, and periods of being extremely happy are exchanged for times of crying for no apparent reason! No wonder the women’s partners can’t quite figure out what is going on. This may be the reason why the women may cry for no apparent reason even when presented with her favorite food. Do look out for her strange behaviors too!
In addition to crazy hormone changes, appetite may change too. At 1 month pregnant nausea may occur from time to time, especially in the morning, and foods that were once favorites may smell too pungent to eat and cause a mad dash to the nearest restroom. Other significant changes are also occurring at this time. The amniotic sack is forming as is the umbilical cord, and until this process is complete, the yolk sack protects and provides nourishment to the developing fetus.
With all these changes going on at once, being 1 month pregnant is a significant time. Some women may not even know they are 1 month pregnant, and may not even suspect until the second month or so. These women may have experienced a lighter flow during their cycle, but not suspect anything until they miss their next period completely.
A planned pregnancy is much different because these women know before they are even 1 month pregnant that they are expecting; they know as soon as their cycle is a little off because they are looking for all the little signs of pregnancy, no matter how subtle. 1 month pregnant is just the beginning for the parents in this long journey of parenthood. You may have to go through this several times. Just take care of yourself and visit your gynecologist regularly.
BIM Group Vietnam
BIM Group Vietnam
Business profile:Syrena Cruises іѕ thе newest cruise business іn Halong Bay belonging tο BIM Group Vietnam. Wе
cater tο guests whο want tο visit Halong Bay without much fuss οr rυѕh.
Wе usual іn 2010 mainly business аrе luxury cruise ships іn Halong Bay wіth two vessels. Oυr Cruises аrе built аѕ customary junks wіth modern аnԁ spacious design, large sails, finest interior decor, аѕ long аѕ ехсеƖƖеnt benefit аnԁ wіƖƖ uphold thе standards οf luxurious cruising.
Wе аrе charitable fοr lively, enthusiastic аnԁ motivated those fοr thе subsequent full-time position based іn ουr Cruises іn Halong Bay, Vietnam.
Business size:1,000-4,999
Business address:Khu đô thị mới Hùng Thắng, Hạ Long, Quảng Ninh
Job Detail
Job title:Bar Superintendent
Job code:SYCR-002
Job accountreport:
+ Bυу ехсеƖƖеnt information οf bartending such аѕ cocktails, wine, liquor, beer etc.- Bυу ехсеƖƖеnt information οf food & beverage іn term οf menu, set up, endorsement, meeting іn thе restaurant/hotel
+ Position bar counter, store аnԁ mаkе sure thаt аƖƖ glasses, cups аnԁ οthеr essential equipment, stools іn order, ample аnԁ ready before serving time.- AbƖе tο manage Bar Items thru checking аnԁ ordering essential things οn a daily basis аѕ well аѕ fastidious event condition.
+ Serves аnԁ handle guest/s іn a very courteous, friendly аnԁ fit manner.
+ AbƖе tο communicate very well wіth different kinds οf people аnԁ guests.
+ Predict thе guest's needs аnԁ condition.
Job Condition
Years οf meet: 1 year(s)
Nominal career level: Team Leader/Superintendent
Nominal culture level: High school
+ EхсеƖƖеnt communication іn Discipline
+ Lively аnԁ аbƖе tο work under difficulty.
+ Enthusiastic, hard working аnԁ kееn tο adapt nеw things, challenges ect.
+ Well corresponding аnԁ methodical person.
+ Priority given tο experienced candidates/аnԁ exceptional graduates frοm Employment Schools.
* Salary & refund :
1. Arresting remuneration post аrе offered based οn experiences & skillful
2. Full board & рƖасе tο stay οn board boat
3. Uniform provided
4. Bonus upon target attainment
5. Nameless schooling аnԁ organizationrunning
6. Career enhancement.
7. Availability : Bestow till 31 August 2010
Attracted candidates аrе kindly requested tο send уουr efficientrationalized CV bу e-mail bу click tο "APPLY" tab іn
Wе proceed οn first come first serve basis аnԁ wе mіɡht close thіѕ vacancy bу August 31st, 2010
(OnƖу small list οf fit candidates аrе doorsillsill tο interview аnԁ CV wіƖƖ nοt bе returned)
Favored language fοr received applications: Discipline
Job Skills
Vital skills:- Discipline
AƖƖ-purpose In rank
Job Type: Full-Time Stable
PƖасе: Quang Ninh
Job category: Food/Beverage
Client Benefit
Job level:Team Leader/Superintendent
Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010
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Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010
Clear Blue Easy Pregnancy Test for sale
Clear Blue Easy Pregnancy Test for sale
Thе Clear Blue Easy Pregnancy Test hаѕ taken thе boldness out οf taking a home pregnancy test bу tastesavor a urine test stick thаt іn fact changes color frοm white tο pink tο Ɩеt уου whеn уου hаνе adequately saturated thе test stick tip wіth urine.
Yου саn take thе Clear Blue Easy Pregnancy Test for sale аt аnу time οf thе day, οn аnу day аftеr thе day уου expect уουr period tο ѕtаrt.
Tο take thе Clear Blue pregnancy test, simply hold thе tip οf thе urine test strip under уουr urine stream fοr five рƖасе, οr until thе tip turns pink, thеn wait two minutes fοr thе consequences tο ѕhοw up іn thе consequences window. Mаkе sure a vertical blue line appears іn thе hegemony window tο ensure thе test іѕ operational correctlyright, thеn look fοr a plus sign іn thе consequences window tο point tο уου аrе wіth child. Even іf thе line іѕ faint, іt still counts аѕ a optimistic result.
Clear Blue Pregnancy test on Sale
Clear Blue Pregnancy test on Sale
Whеn уου rесkοn уου аrе wіth child, coming up until уου саn ɡеt аn appointment wіth уουr health care provider tο find out fοr sure саn bе sheer torture. Luckily, уου саn ɡο down tο уουr local pharmacy, οr look online, аnԁ hold a home pregnancy kit аt уουr convenience. Thеrе аrе lots οf tests tο сhοοѕе frοm; check thе LoveToKnow Pregnancy homepage fοr pet аbουt many οf thеm. Thіѕ piece οf writing curiosity thе Clear Blue Pregnancy test on Sale
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share them as well once successful.
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Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010
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Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010
How To Live a Better Life
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Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010
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Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010
IMVU Cheats Still Working
It is simple, easy and effective. After you try and get the free credits, you can also share this to your fellow IMVU users so that they can benefit form it as well. I am currently testing some cheats for other games and I will share them as well once successful.
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Business Consulting - Using a Consultant to Facilitate Personal and Professional Goal Setting
When you initially thought about going back to school, you have to first motivate yourself to enroll back into school. This may seem like an easy step, but to the business consultant who sees this a daily basis, the easiest goals and steps to take to achieve them, at times, are some of the sticking points business professionals face.
It may half taken you a long time to decide what you were going to study. You may have made up all kind of excuses that stopped you from going back to school. You may not have motivated yourself hard enough to start with. You possibly thought about all the school work you would have to do while also working a full-time job.
Your goals may be medium range goals, mini-goals, or micro-goals. All goals that people set are worth achieving. Since you started back going to school you know you must now finish. You are hopefully not the type of person who starts things and don't finish them. You will receive your bachelor's degree no matter what. You just have to continue to work hard and stay focused.
In the organizational setting, consultants are often called into the business consulting role to assist employees with setting not only workplace performance goals and assistance in developing a plan to successfully complete the, but also professional development plans and goals such as achieving a certain level of education.
If you don't motivate yourself you will easily give up and you won't get anything accomplished. It is better to set goals that are realistic and attainable. Having more than one goal is also good. Once one goal has been achieved just start focusing on your next goal. Always stay motivated. Without strong personal motivation your chances of achieving your goals may fail.
If you are out to increase the effectiveness of your online exposure and attract prospective online customers, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about effectively using a business consultant to facilitate company growth.
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David Hale, is the CEO & Founder of DHI-Communications, a full-time Inbound marketing consultancy specializing in assisting businesses with harnessing the awesome power of search engine marketing to dramatically increase their online visibility, generate greater site traffic and how to convert subscribers to paying customers.
Article Source:
Fraudulent Scam Reporting Forums and Websites
Along with exchanging links with work at home sites promoting scam. These websites have no credibility whatsoever. However, it seems real hypocritical when forum moderators are involved in pyramid schemes for profit.
People are using such sites as their own personal recruiting ground for pyramid schemes and scams. Some People get banned for stating truth and facts about scams on such forums. Let alone state their own opinion about what goes on. People are hate filled and have turned some forums into a smear site for their own hatred. The thing that is more tragic when site owners allow it. It sets a bad example for consumer advocate and fraud reporting websites.
First things do be done when operating a fraud reporting forum.
1) Appoint moderators that are not involved in Fraudulent Business deals. Remove them when they do get involved in fraudulent deals
2) Dump any advertising that will bring your site into critical questioning.
3) Revoke links to hate sites and websites promoting frauds.
4) Remove links to sites advocating criminal activity.
Fred over at Mentions
Most MLM and scam prevention boards are recruiting sites for -- "scams"
Sites selling seal of approvals really mean nothing. Most developed into promoting link farms like free for all sites that help very little for advertisers. They have come into corruption and nothing more than a Jerry Springer show, spreading urban legends such and are more likely to be rumor farms.
Some forums even have other rogue posters defend people that have been caught lying to other forum users. And anyone exposing a fraud with documented proof is likely to be kicked off that forum. It has been proved that some moderators at such forum are involved in MLM pyramid deals which some are purely scams.
To tell if the scam reporting forums are promoting questionable business opportunities on that are deceptive. Here are some tips to go by.
1) Moderators that are involved in Fraudulent Business deals.
2) Deceptive advertising.
3) Links to hate sites and websites promoting frauds.
4) Links to sites advocating any criminal activity.
5) Constant flame wars and sometimes encourage by unethical moderators.
6) Bad language and sites hiding under the guise of free speech.
According to some information at hand, the only things going on such forums are flame wars and attacking legitimate businesses. Forums conducted in that manner should be avoided like the plague.
Websites advocating scam baiting in which you enter into a dialogs with Nigerian scammers simply to waste their precious time and resources. While you are doing this, you will not be helping to keep the scammers away from real potential victims. However, you will be putting your life and family in danger not to mention engaging in illegal activity.
Some sites Claim advertising doesn't work then promote e-books via the unethical marketing method. This method involves with a roll over offer expires at midnight that rehashes the deal after the offer expires. When a website is encountered, it should not be taken lightly but is suggested to avoid doing business with them
More information about this fraudulent scam reporting web forums and websites are on the dumbexperts website and more will be added in the near future.
William Jaroske is an Internet web marketer and a well informed consumer advocate with ethical common sense. His website should not be considered a fraud reporting website. However, be used for educational purposes Providing internet resources and promotional offers.
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Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010
Ranomi Kromowidjojo: Ratu Renang dari Jawa
Tim renang Belanda tampil fantastis, di turnamen Lyon Prancis. Sembilan emas, tiga di antaranya sumbangan perenang wanita keturunan Jawa, Ranomi Kromowidjojo.
Perenang wanita 19 tahun blasteran Jawa- Belanda itu meratui gaya Bebas di Prancis akhir pekan 6 dan 7 Maret 2010. Ia menyambar emas di jarak 50m, 100m dan 200 meter Gaya Bebas.
Prestasi luar biasa yang disumbangkan seorang keturunan Jawa kepada kontingen Belanda. Secara tim, kontingen Belanda meraih sembilan emas di kolam 50m di Lyon.
Dunia renang dijamin masih sering mendengar nama Ranomi Kromowidjojo! Siapa sih wanita cantik dan manis, kelahiran Groningen 20 Agustus 1990 ini?
Ranomi menyandang nama belakang Jawa, karena nenek moyangnya memang berasal dari Jawa yang pergi ke Suriname sebagai pekerja perkebuman di akhir abad 19. Sedangkan ayahnya lahir di Suriname. Ia datang ke Belanda ketika Suriname merdeka tahun 1975. Ranomi tinggal di Sauwerd Belanda Utara. Mengenal air mulai bayi. "Sejak masih bayi, saya sering diajak berenang oleh nenek."
Namanya mulai melejit tahun 2005 ketika dia meraih medali perunggu 50 meter gaya bebas pada kejuaraan Junior Eropa. Setahun kemudian ia menyambar medali perak pada Gaya Bebas dan perunggu untuk 50 meter gaya Kupu-kupu. Ranomi mengaku bahwa sukses tidak datang dengan sendirinya. "Sejak kanak-kanak sering ikut perlombaan lokal. Dan sukses di kancah senior muncul tahun 2006 di kejuaraan Eropa di Budapest." Di ibukota Hungaria itu dia meraih perak di estafet 4×100m Gaya Bebas bersama Marleen Veldhuis, Inge Dekker dan Chantal Groot.
Namanya mulai mendunia sejak Kromowidjojo untuk pertama kali tampil di Kejuaraan Dunia di Melbourne Australia. Tim estafetnya meraih perunggu di 4×100 Bebas. Di samping itu dia juga mempertajam rekor pribadinya 100 Bebas ke 55,33 detik. "Sebuah impian yang menjadi kenyataan," ujarnya gembira.
Walaupun prestasinya menakjubkan, namun gadis ini tetap saja bertutur rendah diri, "Pada kejuraan dunia itu saya masih jauh di bawah perenang peringkat atas dunia. Saya masih harus terus berlatih keras. Tetap tenang dan menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari, dan tentu saja harus juga ada target."
Perenang keturunan Jawa ini juga dikenal sangat ramah, senyumnya sumringah dan selalu siap berbagi tandatangan pada fans yang kerap mengerubunginya. Gadis penuh talenta ini juga masih sekolah HAVO 5 setingkat SMA kelas 3. Sehubungan dengan kesibukannya sebagai atlet maka Ranomi sekolah di LOOT, sekolah khusus yang mengombinasikan sekolah dengan olah raga untuk atlit-atlit berbakat.
Setelah sukses menyumbangkan emas pada cabang estafet Gaya Bebas 4 x 100 m di Olimpiade Beijing 2008. Bersama Inge Dekker, Femke Heemskerk dan Marleen Veldhuis, Ranomi mencatat waktu tercepat dan memecahkan rekor dunia 3.33,76.
Prestasi yang luar biasa, karena ketika itu Ranomi masih dipandang terlalu muda dan Beijing merupakan perkenalan dengan panggung Olimpiade.
Sebelumnya Ranomi juga memecahkan rekor pada kejuaraan di Eindhoven awal Desember 2007 untuk 50 meter gaya bebas. Ia sekaligus menumbangkan rekor nasional Belanda, untuk kategori U17. Ia menyadari bahwa karir renangnya masih panjang. Orang menduga ia akan kembali menoreh sejarah pada Olimpiade London 2012 nanti.
"Untuk cabang perorangan aku bermimpi untuk meraih emas di Olimpiade. Tapi sebenarnya bukan di Beijing, karena itu masih terlalu cepat. Di Cina mungkin bisa dengan estafet. Cabang perorangan saya ingin meraih sukses di Olimpiade 2012 di London. Saya akan coba."
Milik Siapa?
Grafik prestasi Ranomi memang terus meningkat. Seiring prestasinya ini, Ranomi juga mulai jadi perhatian dunia, banyak pihak mengaku sebagai "pemiliknya" Groningen, Belanda, Suriname dan Jawa. Yang pasti di Belanda sudah tidak ada yang memungkiri bakatnya.
how long can you not smoke after tooth implants
how long can you not smoke after tooth implants
how long can you not smoke after tooth implants
i dont think that weed is implied, im pretty sure its the nicotine that they'd like you to avoid. plus a fat frosty purple nugget could only help right?
tigerg33 February 19, 2010 at 4:01 am [edit]
It's not the smoke per-say. It is the sucking that your dentist is worried about.. If you "puff " very lightly you should be alright. Otherwise you could get a dry socket which is not good at all! No straws either.
DR. Implants February 19, 2010 at 3:32 am [edit]
why dont you quit ciggs altogether? they do nothing for you but kill you. smoking weed is still smoking but at least weed doesnt kill you. if you must smoke rinse your mouth out with mouthwash afterwards. the longest i held out was 4 days when i got my lip pierced.
Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010
Visit for more info
Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010
Dental implants information
Dental implants information
Dental implants information Q1:What are the most common benefits of dental implants?
Replacing a lost tooth is vital to maintaining the overall health and function of the surrounding teeth. It helps avoid tooth migration and loss of structure. It is necessary to avoid loss of bone from the jaw in that area. Dental implants are an effective means of counteracting these problems. Dental implants are also very strong and provide a feel as close to a natural tooth as can be currently achieved. Further, implants reduce the impact of the lost tooth on surrounding teeth, as traditional bridge structures often require reduction (filing down) of the two adjacent teeth to hold the bridge in place with crowns. Implanting avoids such alterations to the surrounding teeth when replacing a lost tooth.
Dental implants, when replacing dentures, provide even more benefits. Dentures are notorious for slipping at the worst possible moments. Poorly fitting dentures can even affect diet, restricting food selections to easily chewed foods. Implants eliminate the possibility of slipping or pinching, and allow food of almost all types to be eaten (other than extremely hard foods such as chewing on ice, pits, or popcorn kernels, which is very bad for the implants and not good for natural teeth, either). In short, dental implants are the closest way to surgically restore a natural tooth to its original condition.
Dental implants information Q2:What will happen at the initial consultation?
At the first appointment, the dentist will examine your teeth and determine whether implants are the best solution to your dental problems. Often, x-rays are necessary to discover the state of the jawbone, particularly if the teeth have been lost for some time. This information can be used to determine if implants would work for you and, if so, what particular type of implant would be best for your situation.
Dental implants information Q3:How are dental implant procedures performed?
Under local anesthesia, the first step for many implant procedures is the exposure of the bone where the implant is to be placed. This is followed by placement of the implant onto the exposed jawbone. Implants that are placed on the bone are called endosteal implants and are made of titanium, or a titanium alloy, because this metal does not adversely interact with biological tissue. After placement of the implant, a cover screw is put in and the wound is closed with stitches and allowed to heal. In general, placements in the lower jaw need to heal about three months, while placements in the upper jaw need to heal about six months.
After healing, in a second surgical procedure, the implant is uncovered, the cover screw is removed and a healing abutment or a temporary crown is placed in the implant. Temporary dental crowns are generally used for aesthetic reasons when the implant is in a place that is visible. Both healing abutments and temporary crowns allow the tissue around the implant to be trained to grow around the final prosthetics tooth. After about two months, the soft tissue will be healed to receive the final prosthetic tooth.
Impressions are taken to make a custom abutment that takes into account the shape of the neck of the implant. The prosthetic tooth is sometimes attached to a gold cylinder that can be screwed into the abutment or directly cemented onto the abutment. This multi-stage process, where the two surgical procedures are separated by a lengthy healing time, has proven to provide excellent stability in the final implant. Single step surgical implants are available, but skipping the healing step often loses some stability of the final implant.
Dental implants information Q4:How long does the surgery take?
Surgery time will vary greatly depending on the number of dental implants. For each of the two visits, one implant, going very smoothly, will take a little over an hour. Time goes up proportionally from there.
Dental implants information Q5:Where will the procedure be performed?
The dental implant procedure generally occurs in the office of a dentist, oral surgeon, or periodontist.
Dental implants information Q6:How much pain is there?
Local anesthesia avoids the pain that would be involved in the surgical procedures during implantation and uncovering of the implant fixture. Most patients state that dental implant pain provides less discomfort than a tooth extraction.
Dental implants information Q7:What can I expect after dental implants?
Following surgery, there will probably be bleeding, controlled by biting down on some gauze. Swelling may be controlled using an ice pack. Gums are generally sore after both surgeries for seven to ten days. You may be given antibiotics to take during the period immediately following dental implant surgery.
Dental implants information Q8:What is the recovery period like?
Many people have very mild soreness, bleeding, or swelling, which can be treated with first aid and over the counter medicines, and can return to work the day after surgery.
In between the first and second surgery, there is a recovery period of three to six months while the implants associate with the bone. This growth of the bones around the titanium posts may induce a few weeks of soreness. This discomfort can usually be controlled using over the counter medicine.
It is very important during your recovery to practice scrupulous oral hygiene. Poor care, resulting in chronic swelling of gum tissue, is a major contributor to implant failure. You may need to see your dentist about four times a year to keep track of the implant health.
Dental implants information Q9 ental implants information Q7:What is the long-term outcome with dental implants?
For most people, dental implants last between fifteen and twenty-five years. They may last significantly longer, but implantation is a new procedure and data has not been gathered. Between about five percent and ten percent of implants fail, but they often can be replaced with another implant attempt.
Ideal Candidate:
The primary consideration for the suitability of dental implants for a particular patient is the amount and condition of the bone in the area where the implant is to be placed. With the loss of a tooth, the area of the jaw without the tooth naturally undergoes resorption, or a thinning, of the bone in that area. The less bone available in which to place the implant, the greater chance of the implant not "taking" in the region. A common type of implant, called "root form implants," due to their similarity in shape to a tooth root, actually undergo a bonding with the surrounding bone called Osseo integration. Without enough healthy bone at the implant site, this process cannot occur and the implant will fail.
There are two solutions commonly used for highly resorbed bone in the area where the implant is to be placed. The first is bone grafting. This involves undergoing a procedure that moves bone from one place in the body to another to enlarge the bone structure at the implant site. Often, bone can be moved from one place in the mouth to another. Sometimes a graft from a donor or an animal or artificial bone can be used if bone from the patient is not available. Grafting usually is done four to eight months before the implant procedure, to allow the graft a chance to heal before it is disturbed with the implant process. A second solution is the use of subperiosteal implants that ride above the bone but beneath the gum. These types of implants are not placed in the bone. A CAT scan is commonly used to obtain a model of the bone structure and then the implant fixture is molded to precisely fit the bone model.
Other important information
A further consideration as to the suitability of implants is the patient's general health, especially whether or not the patient smokes. Although the exact cause of the connection is not known, dentists hypothesize that the nicotine in the cigarettes, known to shut down blood vessels, interferes with the healing of the dental implants. Whatever the cause, heavy smokers are known to have a higher failure rate for implants than those who do not smoke. Other chronic conditions that affect healing, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and immunosuppressive conditions, can also increase the chance of implant rejection.
Risks and Limitations:
The greatest risk following the surgical procedures is that the dental implant will fail. For implants placed within the bone, most failures occur within the first year and then occur at a rate of less than one percent per year thereafter. Location of the implant can also predict the risk of failure. Implants in the back upper jaw fail most often, followed by the front upper jaw, the back lower jaw. The most success seen is in implants of the front lower jaw. Overall, the success rate for all implants runs from 90 to 95%. Most failed implants can be replaced with a second attempt.
Dental Implant Costs
Cost of dental implants can be very expensive, particularly if a number of them are needed to restore the teeth lost by the patient. Each surgical step has its costs, as do the fixtures. The primary consideration for implants is the suitability of crowns. Single teeth run between about $2,000 to about $4,000 with multiple implants going up from there. Full sets of implanted teeth can run as high as $30,000. In general, insurance does not cover the cost of implants.
Choosing a dentist:
You can start your search for a suitable cosmetic dentist by reading the article How to Select a Cosmetic Dentist on this site and by using our Locate a Specialist feature.
When getting implants, it is important to pick a dentist that has experience in performing implant procedures. There are indications that some dentists have been attempting the procedure with inadequate training. Not only is an experienced dentist more likely to do a good job, you will have an ongoing relationship with this dentist for many months, so it is important to select carefully.
Be sure to ask how many similar procedures the dentist has performed and whether you can speak with a patient who has had implants done by the dentist. Because of the cost and time investment, a second opinion might make sense for your situation. The surgery should be done by an oral surgeon,periodontist or prosthodontist, or by a general dentist that has extra credentials, such as those issued by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. You can also find out whether the hardware to be used by your dentist has been approved by the American Dental Association, which means that it has been studied in five-year clinical studies as to its ability to hold up under day-to-day use. These considerations may help narrow your choices if you choose to get the procedure done.
Questions to ask your dentist:
What are the expected benefits of the dental implants procedure and what are the chances of me experiencing these benefits?
What are the expected risks of this procedure and what are the chances of me suffering from these risks?
What is your estimated cost of dental implants?
How many procedures like mine have you done previously and can I talk to any of these patients?
Is there an alternative treatment that I should consider as well?
How long will the procedure take and how many appointments are necessary?
What percentages of patients have had significant complications? (The dentist should disclose this information to you.)
Will you repeat or correct procedures if it does not meet agreed upon goals? And if the procedure must be repeated/corrected, will I be charged again? (The dentist should provide you with his/her policy on this issue.)
What kind of longevity can I expect?
May I see before and after photos of recent patients? The dentist should provide many photos of recent patients.
Could I observe the exact procedure I am considering before I decide to have it done? (Either on videotape or ask to view one in real life.)
What should I expect after the procedure, in terms of soreness, what to watch for, and any limitations?
Do you offer patient financing?