Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011
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Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011
7 Kalimat yang Tak Boleh Didengar Anak
"Kalau nakal, Ibu akan meninggalkanmu di sini." Anda mengancam dan menakuti anak-anak dengan harapan agar mereka patuh pada perintah Anda. Perlu Anda ketahui, ketakutan terbesar anak-anak kecil adalah tersesat sendirian dan merasa tidak aman. Oleh karena itu, tindakan Anda meninggalkannya sendirian akan menimbulkan trauma bagi dirinya.
"Kamu seharusnya malu." Banyak orangtua yang beranggapan bahwa dengan mengungkapkan hal tersebut, anak akan malu dan akan mengubah sikapnya sesuai dengan yang mereka inginkan. Namun, anak kecil belum dapat memahami rasa malu yang terjadi akibat kesalahan yang diperbuatnya. Oleh karena itu, hal ini belum tentu langsung berhasil. Jika terlalu sering mengatakan hal ini, maka mereka hanya akan berpikir bahwa segala sesuatu yang dilakukannya selalu salah.
"Kenapa kamu tidak seperti saudaramu yang lain?" Dengan mengatakan hal ini, maka secara tidak langsung Anda membandingkan anak-anak dengan saudaranya yang lain bahwa anak tidak cukup pintar, cukup baik, ataupun cepat belajar dibanding saudaranya. Pembanding ini juga akan meningkatkan persaingan antarsaudara meningkat, yang kelak akan merusak hubungan persaudaraan dan mengembangkan keterpisahan. Terima setiap anak dalam keluarga Anda karena mereka memiliki keunikan dan keistimewaan sendiri. Bantu anak untuk melihat keistimewaan mereka dengan berfokus pada masing-masing individu tanpa menggunakan perbandingan.
"Biar Ibu yang menyelesaikan." Mungkin, maksud hati ingin membantunya menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah yang sulit dikerjakan. Namun, jika terlalu sering melakukan hal ini, maka Anda telah mengambil alih pekerjaan anak yang seharusnya bisa dikerjakannya sendiri. Hal ini justru malah akan melemahkannya. Mengambil alih pekerjaan anak mungkin bisa menghemat waktu Anda di masa sekarang, tetapi Anda meninggalkan beban di masa depan karena anak jadi tak terbiasa mandiri.
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Jakarta 12120
Ph.: +622172796416 (Hunting)
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Y! : bukandotcom
Senin, 17 Oktober 2011
Indian wisdom: two wolves.
Jl. Hang Lekir III/11
Jakarta 12120
Ph.: +622172796416 (Hunting)
Fax: +622172796417
SMS Hotline: +6285694472447
Y! : bukandotcom
Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011
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Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011
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Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011
Squeezing Healthy Meal Plans into a Hectic Life
Plan Your Menus Ahead of Time
Instead of playing mealtimes by ear, plan your menu a week in advance. Weekly menu planning only takes a few minutes, but it can make working healthy meals into your life a lot easier. You can create a simple menu template on your computer or you can take a blank sheet of paper, divide it into sections and write down your meals and snacks for the week.
Some of you might find it more convenient to use a dry erase board for menu planning. There's no right or wrong way to create a menu. It's all about what works best for you. The only stipulation is that the meals you plan must be nutritious (no processed foods allowed). Once you finish making your menu, stick it on the refrigerator or somewhere else that's visible.
Get Your Grocery Shopping Done in One Swoop
You're more likely to stick with a nutritious meal plan if you don't have to make a mad dash to the grocery store everyday. Use your preplanned menu to make a list of all the foods you need to prepare your meals. Designate one day a week for grocery shopping so you can get it over with.
Take your list with you to the store so you won't forget anything. No more running back and forth to the market because you forgot important ingredients. Using a list also helps you stay on track and reduces the temptation to fill your buggy with cookies, chips and other junk.
Prepare Extra Food and Keep Meals Simple
Prepare more food than you need for one meal so you can have leftovers for the next day. For instance, instead of preparing half of a chicken for dinner, go ahead and pop the whole thing into the oven. When you get ready to eat the leftovers, simply heat them up. Cooking enough for more than one meal reduces your time in the kitchen and makes mealtimes less taxing (take it from the queen of leftovers).
Gourmet meals are nice (and yummy), but they're overrated. Unless you're throwing a fancy dinner party, the meals you prepare don't have to bear any resemblance to a gourmet meal. If you enjoy cooking this way, it's perfectly fine. But if you're short on time, quick dishes like salads topped with boiled eggs or salmon work for any meal.
When you live life at record speed, sticking to a nutritious meal plan can be tough. However, if you want to lose weight and improve your health, squeezing time out of your busy day to plan and prepare wholesome meals is important. Give the tips above a try – they just might work for you.
Want a jump start on healthy meal plans? The Diet Solution Program can help. Don't spend another day with a diet that takes up all of your time!
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Senin, 10 Oktober 2011
Your Diet Plan for Weight Loss: How to Keep Hunger At Bay
In fact, it's not even about counting calories—and if you follow my blog, you know how I feel about calorie counting. Instead, the right way to eat healthy means switching out the foods that are bad for you, and replacing them with foods that are good for you.
But even if you don't reduce your food intake by that much, you may have an adjustment period as you begin to shed belly fat. It's really more of a mind over matter thing than real starvation. If you've been used to eating large quantities of the wrong kind of food, you might go through a kind of withdrawal period once you begin eating healthfully.
So are there any ways to combat these hunger pains, without giving in to the urge to binge? Absolutely! Let's look at a few techniques you should incorporate into your diet plan to lose weight:
Drink Your Water
First and foremost, you should be drinking plenty of water once you start your eating plan. In fact, you should be drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water per day. So, for example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink 80 ounces at a minimum per day.
Not only will water help flush toxins from your body, it can help combat edema and water retention. Need an even more compelling reason to drink water? Your body can often misinterpret thirst for hunger, actually causing your stomach to growl.
So before you reach for something more to eat check to see how much water you've had to drink. If you haven't had enough for the day, drink plenty of H20 before you have anything else to eat.
Eat Healthy Fats
Yes, you can eat fat while you are on a diet. Does this mean you have my permission to run out and devour a bucket of fried chicken? Wishful thinking, but the answer is no.
You need to eat plenty of healthy fats, which are MUFAs or PUFAs, while you are dieting. These healthy fats will help contribute to a feeling of satiety between meals, as well as give you the essential fatty acids you need to function at your prime. Healthy fats include olive oil, organic butter, coconut oil, raw nuts, nut butters, and avocadoes.
Eat Lots of Fiber
Everyone knows that including high amounts of fiber in your diet helps while you are trying to reduce your weight, but no one really seems to know why it's important. Well, there are two reasons.
- Fiber keeps you from becoming constipated, which can happen when you make a sudden dietary change—even if that change is for the better.
- Fiber helps you feel full more quickly, and helps you remain that way between meals.
As a rule, you should consider including a serving of fiber with every meal, even snacks. In fact, I usually recommend you include your favorite type of green vegetable with meals, such as a salad or celery sticks.
Stay Active
While exercising doesn't have much to do with what you put in your mouth, it can have a huge impact on the success of your eating plan and how hungry you feel. I'm not a fan of long hours on the treadmill, as you probably know. In fact, I prefer shorter workouts with more interval training and strength training thrown in because I feel it gives you more bang for your buck.
But no matter how you choose to get and stay active, you should know that it will make your metabolism more efficient, allowing you to continue burning calories several hours after your workout has ended. So while you are working on eating a better diet, find ways to incorporate active movement into your daily routine. You'll train your body to burn calories more efficiently over time.
The Diet Solution Program was designed with one focus in mind: to help people learn to eat better and thus transform their lives. If you want to learn more about how to lose weight without feeling deprived, consider downloading my program today!
If you are new to The Diet Solution program, watch this video to learn more about a diet plan for weight loss. It's more than just a fad diet; it's a lifestyle change that you'll love!
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Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011
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Ph.: +622172796416 (Hunting)
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Y! : bukandotcom
Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011
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Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011
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