Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Reminder: Oleksandr Trygub invited you to join Facebook...

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Star SilverlightStar Silverlight
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John PooleJohn Poole
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Saqib LiaquatSaqib Liaquat
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Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Aaron Carter is Alive and Happily | Death Hoax

Fans of Aaron Carter need not break into tears as recent rumors of his untimely death via drug overdose are false. The Twitter death hoax began making noise last Thursday and spread like wildfire across the blogasphere but the actual man himself took to his own Twitter account to set the matter to rest.

Rumors started on Thursday and continued over the weekend that Aaron Carter had died. As with many social networking hoaxes (especially Twitter), not many people looked up the facts before spreading the rumors and making the situation worse. [Source : ukfacts.org ]

He wrote: 'This is the real Aaron Carter I know there's a Hoax Going Around, But I'm Here, Alive & Well. At the compound working on my mind & soul.'

Charlie Sheen left straightening out news about his own death to his ex-wife Denise Richards, who tweeted on Sunday that "The rumor about Charlie Sheen is not true. He is alive and on his way over to see his daughters."

After years of celebs like Britney Spears and Jeff Goldblum "dying" on Twitter before their times, the real miracle is that somehow people still manage to take the Twitter obituaries seriously. Other celebrities which have been rumoured to be dead online recently include Morgan Freeman and Johnny Depp. [ Source : watchmov.com ]

Tag : Aaron Carter, Aaron Carter Death, Aaron Carter Death False, Aaron Carter Hoax Death

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Blogger Newsletter

Blogger Newsletter
December, 2010

Hello Blogger user!

We know it’s been a little while since you’ve heard directly from us, so here we are again to spread the latest product news and updates from the Blogger Team.

Things have been very busy over here recently, as we’ve been working really hard to develop a number of new features while also building out new teams in global offices. Over the last few months we’ve put a lot of energy towards turning your suggestions into improvements to Blogger, and just in case you missed something along the way, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite updates for you to check out.

And while you’re busy reading through this list, we’ll be putting the final touches on the next round of exciting stuff. Make sure to stay tuned for 2011; we have big plans in store.


Comment Filtering

Hopefully you’ve noticed the new Comments tab in your dashboard, which we added over the summer as part of our upgrade to the comment system. This Comment Inbox is a centralized place where you can manage all of your comment-related tasks, like delete published comments, manage comments that have been flagged as spam, and moderate awaiting comments (if you’ve enabled Comment Moderation).

We’ve also started analyzing all posted comments in our system, and are automatically classifying the ones we believe to be spam. Similar to Gmail’s spam filtering, you can help us improve our classifiers by telling us whether the comments we’ve caught are actually spam.


The Stats tab is another recent addition to the dashboard, and is the hub for all your blog’s realtime traffic data. Pageviews, reader location, browser types, popular posts, and referral sources are just a few of the pieces of information we’re constantly collecting for each blog.

If you want to show off your blog’s traffic data to your readers, we’ve also built Blog Stats and Popular Posts gadgets which you can add to your template. These can be added from the Gadget Directory at any time, and have a variety of configurable options to change the display and data layout.

Background Image Upload

Earlier in the summer we released our Template Designer to all users, and asked for your feedback about what other features we could add to make it even better. By far the top request was the ability to upload your own background image, and we’re happy to say that this feature is now live within the Template Designer.

To upload your own background image to your blog, simply click on the Background section within the Template Designer.

Mobile BlogSpot

We realize that more and more users are accessing the web on smartphones, and we want to make sure that blogs still look nice when viewed on these smaller screens. We’ve put a lot of work into creating a mobile version of BlogSpot, which will automatically detect if a blog is accessed on a smartphone and then display a mobile-optimized version.

Mobile BlogSpot is live now on Blogger in Draft, and can be enabled from the Settings | Email & Mobile tab. From there you can also check out a mobile preview version of your blog to see what it will look like.

Web Fonts

The Google Web Fonts team has made great progress on expanding font options across the web, especially for non-Latin alphabets like Cyrillic and Greek. We’ve taken advantage of their work and now offer 40 new Web Fonts in the Template Designer on Blogger in Draft. For the full list, check out our Help Center article.

From Our Friends

Other helpful services recommended the Blogger Team

$100 Coupon for AdWords!

With Google AdWords you can attract new Blogger readers at the exact moment they’re searching for you. Google AdWords is the online advertising program that shows 3-line ads next to Google Search results. Just choose the search terms your potential readers are likely to use, write your ad, and decide how much you’re willing to pay per click and per day.

To kick off the holiday season we're giving new advertisers a $100* coupon to promote your blog and boost your reader numbers. Redeem your $100 coupon code now to try AdWords: 59AL-NVNF-E6NW-S5QY-ESUJ

Offer expires January 31, 2011.

*Full coupon Terms and Conditions found here. Promotion is only valid for new advertisers


The folks at OpenSky have built a great service which connects you with small e-tailers to write about their products on your personal blog. You can search for the products and services which interest you, and then pass those recommendations to your readers while splitting all profits 50/50.

The best part is that OpenSky takes care of all of the order processing, fulfillment, and customer service. It’s one of the best affiliate programs we’ve come across, and it’s a great chance to help your readers discover interesting and relevant products.

Your Feedback is always welcome

As always, our ears are open to your feedback. Many of the features and developments covered in this newsletter are the result of comments, surveys, tweets, and other feedback that you’ve passed along. So please keep it coming!

And finally, we have a quick 30-second survey about our monetization features for those interested in passing along your feedback.

More Blogger Hubs

Blogger Buzz: Our official product blog
Blogger in Draft blog: News from our testing ground
Blogger Developer’s Network: The latest news for our developer community
The Coffee Shop: Chat with other Bloggers in our community forum
Blogger on Twitter: Follow us for the latest news and announcements from the team
Blogger on Facebook: Become a fan and interact with other Bloggers from around the world

Thanks again for using Blogger!

- The Blogger Team

2010 Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View CA 94043 Unsubscribe: We sent you this email because you have indicated that you are willing to receive Blogger feature announcements. If you do not wish to receive emails of this nature in the future, please visit your account’s Notification Preferences Page (http://www.blogger.com/edit-notification.g - Google Accounts login required). Remove the check beside ‘Feature announcements,’ and click ‘Save.’


Re: nanya father

email oom udin: udin_samud@yahoo.co.id
oom harry tadi udah kan ya?
oom siapa lagi ya? oom abe: abe128@yahoo.com
tante monik yang tadi: stephanie_monic4@yahoo.com
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:00 PM
Subject: nanya father

emai om udin apasih father aku pengin tau?


floyd mau nanya2 apa lagi gak? jangan takut dimarahin, father malah seneng kalo floyd nanya2 daripada bengong ya..

Re: Pinter

iya ini udah bisa. sering2 kirim. gak cuma ke father dan ke mother. ke temen2, sodara2 juga.. om harry tuh emailnya harry@bukan.com trus ada juga siapa gitu, kamu cari2, trus tambahin di address book kamu, coba belajar2. terus tiap kirim email, jangan lupa tulis Subject-nya apa. judulnya maksudnya, jadi misalnya sekarang father tulis judulnya: Pinter.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:17 PM

halo father
lagi ngapain?


iya ini udah bisa. sering2 kirim. gak cuma ke father dan ke mother. ke temen2, sodara2 juga.. om harry tuh emailnya harry@bukan.com trus ada juga siapa gitu, kamu cari2, trus tambahin di address book kamu, coba belajar2. terus tiap kirim email, jangan lupa tulis Subject-nya apa. judulnya maksudnya, jadi misalnya sekarang father tulis judulnya: Pinter.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:17 PM

halo father
lagi ngapain?

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

GoogleUk End Of Year Promo...(Ticket number: 00869575733664)

Dear Gmail user
You won £ 500,000.00GBP. (CGPN):7-22-71-00-66-12, Ticket number:
00869575733664, Serial numbers:/BTD/8070447706/06, Lucky
numbers:12-12-23-35-40-41(12). Contact Mr. Graham Benfield for more details:
E-mail: endofyearpromo001@gmail.com

Mrs. Susan James

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Laporan WikiLeaks dialih bahasa

2010/12/22 | AMMAN: Dua laman web Jordan mula menterjemah ke bahasa Arab kabel diplomatik Jabatan Negara Amerika Syarikat disiarkan WikiLeaks membabitkan urusan Washington dan Amman.

Laman web itu, AmmanNet.net dan 7iber.com, menegaskan mereka mahu memberi maklumat kepada penduduk Jordan dan orang Arab mengenai kabel rahsia itu.
Pada masa sama, mereka juga meminta bantuan penterjemah berpengalaman. Satu daripada kabel itu menyatakan pegawai Jordan menyuarakan kebimbangan sebarang perang di antara Amerika dan Iran akan melemahkan golongan sederhana Arab.

Pengurus laman web AmmanNet, Mohammad Ersan pula menggesa mana-mana pihak mewujudkan 'WikiLeaks Jordan' bagi memberi peluang kepada warga negara itu menyiarkan bahan yang penting. – Agensi

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Reminder: Oleksandr Trygub invited you to join Facebook...

The following person invited you to be their friend on Facebook:
Oleksandr TrygubOleksandr Trygub
Invite sent:
Sep 1, 2010

Other people who have invited you to join Facebook:

Star SilverlightStar Silverlight
Invite sent:
Aug 23, 2010
John PooleJohn Poole
Invite sent:
Aug 27, 2010
Inet ProfitInet Profit
Invite sent:
Aug 28, 2010
Saqib LiaquatSaqib Liaquat
Invite sent:
Sep 2, 2010

Facebook is a great place to keep in touch with friends, post photos, videos and create events. But first you need to join! Sign up today to create a profile and connect with the people you know.
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This message was intended for floyd.pratiknjo@gmail.com. If you do not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.
Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

POF/Leased Instruments

Best Prices Guaranteed!! Well Match any Quote Issued from a Real Bank or Provider

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- Account/Instrument is Acknowledged by Escrow with the Draft Copy
- If Cient requires Swift, the Release of Funds will Cover the Hard Cost for Delivery

Kindest regards,

Aaron J. Paul
(702) 997-4891

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Transfer of QVGJ.COM

Re: Transfer of QVGJ.COM

Dear GoDaddy.com, Inc. Customer,

GoDaddy.com, Inc. received a request on 12/13/2010 for us to become the new registrar of record.

You have received this message because you are listed as the Registered Name Holder or Administrative contact for this domain name in the WHOIS database. If you are not the Account Holder, or you are transferring the domain to a new owner, please forward this email to the appropriate Account Holder so that they may complete the transfer process.

IMPORTANT: If the steps below are not completed, the domain name(s) listed above will NOT be transferred to us.

To proceed with the transfer, log in and follow these instructions.

In the process of authorizing this transfer, you will be prompted to provide the Transaction ID and Security Code:

Transaction ID: 93033426
Security Code: VIUV15359

Once a transfer takes place, you will not be able to transfer to another registrar for 60 days, apart from a transfer back to the original registrar, in cases where both registrars so agree or where a decision in the dispute resolution process so directs.

If you DO NOT WANT the transfer to proceed, then please don't respond to this message.

If you have any questions about this process, contact us by email at support@godaddy.com, or by phone at (480) 505-8877.

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Transfer of WVGJ.COM

Re: Transfer of WVGJ.COM

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GoDaddy.com, Inc. received a request on 12/13/2010 for us to become the new registrar of record.

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If you have any questions about this process, contact us by email at support@godaddy.com, or by phone at (480) 505-8877.

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P.S. Visit GoDaddy.com and SAVE 15%* off your purchase of $50 or more. Just use source code gd2bb when you check out to get your special savings. Start shopping now at GoDaddy.com or order by phone at (480) 505-8821.
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Transfer of ZVTZ.COM

Re: Transfer of ZVTZ.COM

Dear GoDaddy.com, Inc. Customer,

GoDaddy.com, Inc. received a request on 12/13/2010 for us to become the new registrar of record.

You have received this message because you are listed as the Registered Name Holder or Administrative contact for this domain name in the WHOIS database. If you are not the Account Holder, or you are transferring the domain to a new owner, please forward this email to the appropriate Account Holder so that they may complete the transfer process.

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To proceed with the transfer, log in and follow these instructions.

In the process of authorizing this transfer, you will be prompted to provide the Transaction ID and Security Code:

Transaction ID: 93033234
Security Code: PVUM81093

Once a transfer takes place, you will not be able to transfer to another registrar for 60 days, apart from a transfer back to the original registrar, in cases where both registrars so agree or where a decision in the dispute resolution process so directs.

If you DO NOT WANT the transfer to proceed, then please don't respond to this message.

If you have any questions about this process, contact us by email at support@godaddy.com, or by phone at (480) 505-8877.

GoDaddy.com, Inc.

P.S. Visit GoDaddy.com and SAVE 15%* off your purchase of $50 or more. Just use source code gd2bb when you check out to get your special savings. Start shopping now at GoDaddy.com or order by phone at (480) 505-8821.
*Not applicable to ICANN fees, taxes, shipping and handling, sale priced domain names, bulk domains, premium domains, Sunrise/Landrush domain registrations and pre-registrations, memberships or maintenance plans, additional disk space and bandwidth renewals, additional AdSpace advertising funds, custom page layouts, incorporation and brand identity services, Go Daddy Marketplace® products, posters, die-cast cars or gift cards. Discount reflected in your shopping cart – cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount or promotion.

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Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

9 november 2010

hari ini floyd senang karena ulangannya selesai untuk semester ini.

Senin, 06 Desember 2010

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Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Adsense Account Making Tip

Hello Dear
My Name Is jawad And I sell My Account making tip if you trouble in adsense so buy this tip and enjoy.
Adsense Account Making Tip For Sell Only $20 
Limited Time offer Contact Me jsfunstuff1@gmail.com


Mobile prices In Pakistan

Latest Mobile Phone Mobile Phone Prices In Pakistan

Dell has taken a bold step in its bid to market its newest smartphone as the alternative to the BlackBerry mobile phone – the company will be swapping its staff's RIM handsets for the Dell Venue Pro device.

Currently Dell has 25,000 employees with a BlackBerry, and all will be given a Venue Pro instead. The remaining staff (about 71,000) will also get the Dell phone but only with voice plans rather than voice and data plans. Eventually, staff will also be offered Android smartphones in addition to this Windows Phone 7-based one.

This move will save Dell about 25% of its mobile communications expenses.

The mobile phone switch will begin next week, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Dell's chief financial officer, Brian Gladden said: "Clearly in this decision we are competing with RIM, because we're kicking them out." 

Mobile Prices in Pakistan

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Friend request from nabilla

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The myYearbook Team
myYearbook - Friends. Flirts. Fun.
280 Union Square Dr., New Hope, PA, 18938

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Reminder: Inet Profit invited you to join Facebook...

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Star SilverlightStar Silverlight
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Sep 1, 2010
Saqib LiaquatSaqib Liaquat
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Sep 2, 2010

Facebook is a great place to keep in touch with friends, post photos, videos and create events. But first you need to join! Sign up today to create a profile and connect with the people you know.
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