Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Re: kangen ma bapak ibu dan floyd

Alo Din,
Di sini baek2 aja koq. Lagi coba susun team lagi, bulan Juli ini sudah ada 5 orang lagi seperti sebelumnya. Mudah2an udah cepat beres deh. Ibu dan Floyd juga baek2 aja koq. Kamu sendiri gimana? Aman2 aja di sana? Kapan2 maen aja, Din, kalo sempat. Sekarang sih sibuk banget pasti ya? Perusahaannya saya lihat web-nya juga udah bagus banget tuh, kamu yang buat ya Din? Makanya kalo di filem2 kamu gak suka kalo jagoannya perempuan. Sekarang kamu malah bos-bos-nya 2 perempuan ya? Hehe..
Ya sudah, gitu dulu aja. Kamu juga tau kan, kalo yang namanya Udin sih 24 jam mao dateng ke kantor kita sih open koq. Sekarang apa lagi, malem2 juga anak2 GF sering maen. Si Taufik, dan beberapa anak Cleaning Service dan Office Boy lagi pada giat2nya main internet kalo pulang kerja. Seneng saya, jadi pada rajin gitu. Yaudah sekian dulu deh, saya mesti balik lagi ngurusin anak2 ya.. Baek2 Din.
PS. Ada beberapa urusan yang si Dendy masih bingung sebagai penerus kamu, kalo bisa nanti tolong dibantu2 aja ya, kalo ga keberatan. Thanks.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 6:06 PM
Subject: kangen ma bapak ibu dan floyd

Pa gimana kabarnya pa…..? moga moga dalam keadaan sehat wal afiyat ya paa…bapak, ibu dan Floyd, pa udin cuma mo pesen pa jaga kesehatan bapak jangan lupa makan, bapak sering banget jarang makan, trus maag bapak kambuh….waktu udin liat bapak  maagnya kambuh, apalagi waktu bapak sakit trus malam tidur tiduran di ruang tengah , ntu udin sedih banget pa…serius, trus pa jangan kebanyakan rokok trus ya pa…


Udin gak bakalan lupain Bapak, Ibu apalagi si Floyd. Bapak dan Ibu udin anggap seperti bapak udin sendiri….yang dulu kita sering bercanda, jalan2. Udin siap kapan aja kalau bapak perlu udin, terus terang aja pa udin kangen banget sama bapak sumpah demi allah pa.


Pa udin kangen udah berapa lama gak perang-perang, udin udah berapa lama ini sering latihan trus untuk menghancurkan yang nama user na USE trus yang pasti warna hijau.




 021 91589664


28th/F Menara Karya

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Block X-5

Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950

Phone : (021) 5789 5987; 310 2526

Fax     : (021) 5789 5888; 310 2536


Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

kangen ma bapak ibu dan floyd

Pa gimana kabarnya pa…..? moga moga dalam keadaan sehat wal afiyat ya paa…bapak, ibu dan Floyd, pa udin cuma mo pesen pa jaga kesehatan bapak jangan lupa makan, bapak sering banget jarang makan, trus maag bapak kambuh….waktu udin liat bapak  maagnya kambuh, apalagi waktu bapak sakit trus malam tidur tiduran di ruang tengah , ntu udin sedih banget pa…serius, trus pa jangan kebanyakan rokok trus ya pa…


Udin gak bakalan lupain Bapak, Ibu apalagi si Floyd. Bapak dan Ibu udin anggap seperti bapak udin sendiri….yang dulu kita sering bercanda, jalan2. Udin siap kapan aja kalau bapak perlu udin, terus terang aja pa udin kangen banget sama bapak sumpah demi allah pa.


Pa udin kangen udah berapa lama gak perang-perang, udin udah berapa lama ini sering latihan trus untuk menghancurkan yang nama user na USE trus yang pasti warna hijau.




 021 91589664


28th/F Menara Karya

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Block X-5

Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950

Phone : (021) 5789 5987; 310 2526

Fax     : (021) 5789 5888; 310 2536


Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

World Cup 2010 - Share it with Palringo

Palringo is all about communicating, and we know lots of our Users will be following this years football World Cup in South Africa so we have created some Premium Palringo groups.

Whats a Premium Group?

Some of you may have noticed them already, but a Premium group is a group which can be password protected and can have up-to-the-minute RSS news stories posted in the group automatically. Just now only a few groups on Palringo have Premium functionality, but very soon we will allow all our Users to upgrade their group to Premium if they would like these extra abilities.

World Cup Groups

These groups all have all the latest World Cup news posted to them as it happens, currently our News sources include FIFA, Sky Sports and, and we encourage everyone who has a team to follow to join, share photos, voice messages and chat about all events of the World Cup. If your team isnt listed, please feel free to start your own group!





















  south africa 2010  

south africa 2010


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Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Announcing Blogger and Integration

Do you link to in your blog posts? If so, a recent Blogger integration may be just the thing for you. Blogger now integrates directly with Amazon Associates, giving you the ability to search the entire product catalog without ever leaving the Blogger post editor. Writing a review of Avatar and want to point your readers to the DVD that just came out? Not only can you link to the DVD, you can also include the cover art and buy it now info from Amazon so your readers know how much it costs without ever leaving your site.

You might even make some money in the process! Amazon pays an advertising fee to a Blogger user who is a participant in Amazon's Associates Program* and whose visitors buy products linked from their blog. Sign up is simple - just click on the Monetize tab in Blogger, then click on Amazon Associates to get started. Once enabled, you will see a new Amazon gadget next to the familiar Blogger post editor:

Whether you want to make some extra money, or you just want to add some pizzazz to your blog posts, the Amazon Associates integration is a great way to add color to any blog post about books, movies, electronics, music or any other product sold at

More details at Blogger Buzz, or just click Monetize in your blog's dashboard to get started.

Thanks for using Blogger!


The Blogger Team

2010 Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View CA 94043

*Some Blogger users may be ineligible to participate in Amazon's Associates Program. See the Associates Program Operating Agreement for more information.

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Kamis, 03 Juni 2010 Associates--Start Making Money

Associate ID: floydpunya-20

Hello Associate,

We noticed that you were accepted to the Associate Program several weeks ago but have yet to refer a sale. Here are a few quick and easy steps to help you get started:

1. Build a variety of links with the click of a button:

2. Use our widgets to show rich interesting content on your site:

3. Build a specialized Amazon store for your site using aStore:

4. Visit our Best Practices pages to get tips and ideas to help you sell products and drive traffic to your Web site:

We hope this information was helpful, and thank you for your participation in our program.


The Associates Program Staff Associates Program

P.S. If you've simply forgotten your password, click below:
