Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Amazon.com Associates program - your application approved

Congratulations, your application to the Amazon.com Associates Program
has been approved.

For future reference, your unique Associates ID is floydpunya-20.

To get started quickly, visit Associates Central at
http://affiliate-program.amazon.com. You will find a number of useful tools
there including:

Product Links
- Link directly to a specific product on Amazon using the product image
or text.

Widgets (http://widgets.amazon.com) - Build a Slideshow, My Favorites,
or Wishlist widget to showcase your favorite products on your site.

- Leave it up to us! Omakase links show your site visitors what they're
most likely to buy based on Amazon's unique understanding of your site,
the visitor, and the page itself.

aStore (http://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/astore/main.html)
- Build your own online store featuring products from Amazon, and
organize them into your own categories or use Amazon's categories.

Associates Central is also the place to view your online earnings
reports, update your account information, and get the latest Associates
program news. If you have not already provided your payment
information, make sure you do so in the "Account Settings" section of
Associates Central
We will not be able to pay you until this information is entered.

Your Associates ID floydpunya-20 will be used to track qualifying purchases made
by your site visitors when you link to Amazon. All links and widgets
built using the tools in Associates Central,
http://affiliate-program.amazon.com, will automatically contain your ID,
provided you log in before building them.

Thank you for joining the Amazon.com Associates Program. We look
forward to working with you! Please contact us if you have any questions
or need help getting started (http://affiliate-program.amazon.com/contact).


The Associates Program Staff Amazon.com Associates Program

Welcome to the Associates Program!

Thank you for applying to the Amazon.com Associates Program, floydpunya-20!

Thank you for applying to the Amazon.com Associates Program. You'll receive another email from us officially welcoming you to the Program once we've reviewed your Web site. You have been granted full access to Associates Central--the online resource area for Amazon.com Associates. It provides a complete range of features for exclusive use by our Associates. You may log in to Associates Central 24-hours a day to:

  1. Build new links
  2. Generate online earnings reports
  3. Access our extensive graphics library
  4. Update your account information
  5. Get the latest news about what's new at Amazon.com
  6. Learn how to increase referral fees
Please bookmark this page for future reference.


Thank you for joining the Amazon.com Associates Program. We look forward to working with you!

The Associates Program Staff
Amazon.com Associates Program

P.S. Please note for future reference that your unique Associates ID is floydpunya-20. You may occasionally need to provide this information to verify your account with us.

If, for some reason, you are unable to access Associates Central at this time you can still create a homepage link by following these directions:

This is your unique Amazon.com Home Page Linking Format:
Here's how the link should look in your HTML document:
Shop at Amazon.com!
